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{{Os Românticos}} Sunshine On My Shoulders - John Denver - Repassando

N:;'Amigos Queridos"
FN:'Amigos Queridos"




 Sunshine On My Shoulders
(John Denver)

* Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy
Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry
Sunshine on the water looks so lovely
Sunshine almost always makes me high *

If I had a day that I could give you
I'd give to you a day just like today
If I had a song that I could sing for you
I'd sing song to make you feel this way
(Repeat *)

If I had a tale that I could tell you
I'd tell a tale sure to make you smile
If I had a wish that I could wish for you
I'd make a wish for sunshine all the while
(Repeat *)
Sunshine almost all the time makes me high











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