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Chicken Soup for the Soul
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Changing the World One Story at a Time®

The Chicken Soup for the Soul Podcast with Amy Newmark:

Don't Be Afraid to Meet New People

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Today’s Free Story

Chicken Soup for the Soul book cover image

Moving Together
From Chicken Soup for the Soul: Me and My Cat
By Sheldon Oberman

You enter into a certain amount of madness when you marry a person with cats.
~Nora Ephron

I was on a hillside whipped by wind, soaked in dew, beyond disgusted, all because of that wretched cat. I'd only opened the door for a moment. I'd been groggy with motel sleep, eight hundred miles from our last night's bed, so I wasn't thinking clearly.

I had been in the rented box of a room, and I needed something real to look at for a few moments. But when I opened the door there was nothing but sky and highway — gray on gray with scrub bush in-between. (Keep reading)

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Pets & More

two dogs on a vet's table look up at woman wearing blue scrubs

National Veterinary Technician Week is observed the third week of October annually and this year, it will be held from October 13 to 19. This day is dedicated to the hard work of veterinary technicians and creates awareness about the work they perform to keep our pets healthy and safe.

Chicken Soup for the Soul began crafting premium pet food over 20 years ago as a way to help keep our canine and feline pets healthy. We are so confident in our recipes that they come with a 100% guarantee for taste and performance.


What’s Happening

Enjoy plenty of tales about Thanksgiving as we head into holiday mode!

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Tales of Christmas

Jump start your holiday spirit with these stories about all the November and December holidays!

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Miracles, Angels & Messages from Heaven — Open your eyes to the unexplainable!

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles, Angels & Messages from Heaven cover image

101 true, personal stories that will deepen your faith that good things are happening all around us.

book covers for 'Random Acts of Kindness', 'Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul', 'The Magic of Dogs', 'Laughter is the Best Medicine', 'Believe in Angels,' 'Running for Good'

We love audiobooks and we have plenty of them for you! Check out a wide selection of our audiobooks on Audible and enjoy your walk, your drive, your night-time routine — whenever you like to listen to inspiring, entertaining storytelling. We've got great narrators, and the fun thing about our audiobooks is that each story is only a few minutes, so you can squeeze them in whenever you have a lull in your schedule, or listen to lots of them in a row when you have more time.


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