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⚡ this 50-day protocol will change your life

Subscribe here | Unsubscribe here | FIV #54 Dec 12, 2024
Image of Roy T. Bennett with a quote on a red and dark gray background: 'Great goals make great people. People cannot hit what they do not aim for.' The text is in bold white font, and Roy T. Bennett is shown wearing glasses and a suit.

Hey hey!

Hope you're enjoying the early part of the holiday season. We're fired-up to be launching our founder community this week - Grow & Flow. See more below.

✅ Today's Checklist:
  • this 50-day protocol will change your life
  • happiness = expectations minus reality?
  • how to build your company so you can sell it one day


🧠 Mental Health. The science behind seasonal depression disorder and 3 ways to find relief.

🏠 Remote Work. 8 effective tips on how to build a remote team.

📉 Customer Retention. Got churn? The definitive guide to customer churn.

✈️ Lifestyle. 8 travel hacks for a healthier holiday season.

📈 Business Growth. 'Give away your legos' and other commandments for scaling startups.

⏰ Productivity. 8 time management techniques to improve the way you work.

🩺 Hormones. How to get TRT: prescription and steps.

The Founder50 Protocol - Join Me

2025 is just around the corner.

And with it comes reflection and resolutions.

I've been thinking about the adjustments I'd like to make for the new year, primarily around my schedule and habits.

Whereas I used to obsess around "what" goals - that is, the specific goal (i.e. gain 10 lbs of muscle) - now I obsess more around the "how" (i.e. conduct heavy compound lifts 3x/week). Because it is how we spend our time that determines our achievements in life.

Want to write a book? Then the best goal for you is to dedicate a certain amount of time to writing every day.
A black and white portrait of Carl Jung with round glasses perched on his forehead. Beside the image is a quote that reads, 'You are what you do, not what you say you'll do.' The quote is attributed to Carl Jung, with 'AZ Quotes' branding at the bottom right.
Furthermore, I've learned that I am most content in life when I am living a well-rounded existence. Happiness is when I'm balanced and making progress across each area of my life that matters to me.

Gone are the days where I'm ok working 24/7 and sacrificing everything else in my life.

Sure, I aim to make massive progress across my businesses, but I also aim to make significant progress with my health, family and personal life. And I've learned that when I'm doing so my businesses benefit too (flywheel effect).

Few things are less attractive than being one-dimensional. The world most admires a renaissance man/woman, and being such creates the richest life too.

With this in mind I've tried to design a protocol for myself that if followed is most likely to deliver optimal results. I've also interviewed dozens of founders around their most important protocols and have done my best to distill the most important ones in this protocol.

I call it the Founder50 Protocol because it's a 50-day protocol that is meant for founders & entrepreneurs who want 2025 to be the best year of their lives.

Why 50 days? Because it takes ~30 days to create a habit, but doing something for one month is easy. We want to instill these habits to ensure that you don't just start the year off right but end it proudly too. Ending strong > starting strong.

Also, 50 days is reasonable - it's not too long or too ambitious.

If you kick this protocol off on January 1st, your 50 days ends Feb 20th.

If you start January 6th, 50 days ends Feb 25th.

Here it is - The Founder50 Protocol:
  • No phone within 1 hour of waking-up/bed
  • Bodyweight in protein consumed*
  • Workout for at least 30 minutes
  • Check email 3x/day max
  • 7+ hrs sleep
  • Affirm 1 person
  • No dessert or carbs alone
  • Limit social media to 30 mins (intentional)
  • Read for 15 mins, Create for 10, Meditate for 5
  • 1 drink/weekday max, 2 drinks/weekend day max
The goal is to achieve 100% of the above each of the 50 days. But 80-90% adherence would likely be considered a "win" too. It's about progress, not perfection.

For me this is about understanding what I need to do to put myself in the best possible state while considering what will adapt well for others too.

Many of my goals are more intense than what's listed above. For instance, I aim to read for 1 hour per day and write/create for at least 5 hours/week.

Most weekdays I don't have a drink, and often go weeks without one.

The majority of my workouts are 1 hour long.

This protocol was designed so that it's effective while also not being too stringent - feel free to adjust upwards as you desire.

I've learned in life that discipline creates freedom.

50 days of discipline can create a lot of momentum, and that's the aim here.

A few final notes:
  • Bodyweight in protein consumed means 1g for every lb you weigh
  • What will be hardest for me? Probably only checking email 3x/day and also the no phone 1 hour after waking-up rule - I also think (unsurprisingly) that by doing these things it'll have the greatest positive impact in my life. The less time you spend on your phone/in email the happeir and more productive you'll be.
  • I combine my gratitude practice and prayer into my meditation - thus I've combined what might be 2-3 different items for you into one for me
  • Relationships matter more than just about anything in life. I don't have relationship requirements in this protocol because I feel like I'm in a good natural here there and also everyone's different (married vs not, kids vs no kids, etc). Add what makes sense for you.
  • Furthermore, this list isn't supposed to be exhaustive. I only wanted to have 10 items ;)
Want to join me in executing the Founder50 Protocol this year? See below!

Join the Grow & Flow Community

A graphic with the text 'Grow & Flow' in bold yellow and white font against a dark blue background. Below it reads, 'Build a 1% Business. Build a 1% Life.' in smaller white text.

Ready to crush the Founder50 Protocol and build a business that's as elite as your life?

Join Grow & Flow, the founder community where entrepreneurs like you are scaling top 1% businesses while crafting 1% lives.

We're kicking off the new year with a no-BS approach to hitting the Founder50—and helping each other grow stronger than ever.

Success isn't solo. It's time to grow, flow, and dominate.

Accelerate your success by joining Grow & Flow HERE.

Happiness = Expectations Minus Reality?

Sounds simple, right? But when it comes to your own performance, things get messy fast.

If you don't expect to win, you won't—but pinning your happiness to the scoreboard alone guarantees misery.

So how do you strike the balance between striving for greatness and staying sane?

This is what I've found works for me:
See Sean's LinkedIn post.

Your Forms Are Killing Your Conversions

Did you know bad forms can cost you up to 27% of potential leads?

Typeform fixes this with forms people actually want to fill out.

It starts with sleek designs that feel more like conversations than data collection.

Whether it's onboarding clients, gathering feedback, or collecting leads, Typeform turns clicks into cash.

Upgrade your forms, upgrade your business.

Try Typeform now.

How to Build Your Company So You Can Sell It One Day

Entrepreneurship is a lotta' work. Kinda like this:

A humorous two-panel meme with text: 'Starting a Business' above a vibrant, smiling man in the first panel, and 'Running a Business' above the same man looking disheveled, tired, and older in the second panel. The contrast highlights the challenges of running a business.

To maximize the fruits of your labor, build your company in a way that it can be sold one day.

Even if you never want to sell it, by doing these things, you'll simply build a better business. And experience a richer life.

Key Lessons from the book, Built to Sell:

1. Productize Your Services: Turn whatever service you offer into a product with a clear, repeatable process.

2. Don't Be Too Essential: If your business can't run without you, you've got a job, not a business. Train your team so well that they could run the show if you decided to jet off to Fiji for a month.

3. Focus on What You Do Best: Streamline what you offer. You don't need to be all things to all people. A focused business model is easier to scale and, eventually, sell.

4. Generate Recurring Revenue: Whether it's through subscriptions, contracts, or retainer agreements, predictable cash flow is king.

5. Spruce Up Your Sales: A robust sales team that can close deals without you is a major green flag for buyers. It shows that your business has the legs to keep growing, even when you're not in the room.

Good reminders for every early-stage entrepreneur that wants to build a company rather than just create a job for themselves.



🤝 Let's Connect: Here's my LinkedIn and Twitter/X for more tips & content on how founders can achieve better performance, accumulate more wealth & experience greater freedom.

💬 Join the Grow & Flow Community: Founders & CEOs - We help you grow your business to $10M & beyond without sacrificing your health, personal wealth, and freedom. Check it out HERE.

↩️ Feedback: Have any recommendations for what you'd like to see in this newsletter to help you improve your performance, freedom and/or wealth? Let me know by replying directly to this email. I'd love to hear from you.

That's it for this week. See you next Thursday.

Let's roll,

SPK 🎙️
Catch up on the last issue of FounderIV here.

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